If Someone Unfriended You on Snapchat, Can You See Their Score?


‍Social media platforms have revolutionized the way people connect with each other, allowing them to share their daily lives and create memories even when physically apart. Snapchat, a popular social media platform, enables users to connect with friends and family and stay in touch through various features, including disappearing messages. One aspect of Snapchat that intrigues users is the concept of a "snapscore," which represents a user's activity on the platform. In this article, we will delve into the topic of whether you can see someone's snapscore if they unfriended you on Snapchat.

Understanding Snapscore

Before we explore whether you can see someone's snapscore after they unfriend you, let's understand what a snapscore actually is. A snapscore is a measure of a user's activity on Snapchat. It represents the total number of snaps, including both photos and videos, a user has sent and received on the platform. Additionally, it takes into account other interactions such as viewing stories and engaging with the platform in various ways. A higher snapscore indicates a more active user on Snapchat.

The Impact of Unfriending on Snapscore Visibility

When someone unfriends you on Snapchat, their decision severs the connection between both of you on the platform. As a result, you lose the ability to view their snapscore, access their profile, and interact with them. Essentially, unfriending someone on Snapchat restricts your visibility into their account and removes any means of viewing their snapscore. Until you become friends with them again on the platform, you will not be able to see their snapscore or any other information related to their account.

Checking Your Own Snapscore

To check your own snapscore on Snapchat, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Snapchat on your device and log in to your account.
  2. Swipe right on the camera screen to access the chats section.
  3. Tap on the profile icon located at the top right of the screen.
  4. This will take you to your profile panel, where you can find your snapscore below your name and snapcode.
  5. Tap on your snapscore to see the total number of snaps you have sent and received.

Viewing Someone Else's Snapscore

If you are friends with someone on Snapchat and wish to know their snapscore, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Open Snapchat and log in with your credentials.
  2. Swipe right on the camera screen to access the chat list.
  3. Scroll or search for the friend whose snapscore you want to check.
  4. Tap on their name to open the chat.
  5. From the chat, tap on their profile icon located at the top left of the screen.
  6. Here, you will be able to view their snapscore below their username and profile icon.

It's important to note that you can only check the snapscore of someone who is on your friend list. If you are not friends with a person on Snapchat, you will not be able to view their snapscore, and vice versa.


In conclusion, if someone unfriends you on Snapchat, you cannot see their snapscore. Unfriending severs the connection between both users on the platform, limiting your ability to view their account and snapscore. However, you can easily check your own snapscore and the snapscore of your friends as long as they are on your friend list. Snapchat's snapscore feature adds an element of engagement and activity measurement to the platform, allowing users to quantify their interactions and compare them with others. So, while unfriending on Snapchat may limit your visibility into someone's snapscore, it doesn't diminish the overall functionality and enjoyment of the platform.

Additional Information:

  • Snapscore represents a user's activity on Snapchat, including the number of snaps sent and received, story views, and other interactions.
  • Unfriending someone on Snapchat severs the connection and restricts your ability to view their snapscore.
  • You can check your own snapscore by accessing your profile panel on Snapchat.
  • To view someone else's snapscore, you need to be friends with them on the platform.
  • Snapchat's snapscore feature adds a gamification element to the platform, encouraging users to engage and interact more.

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